Our image today of Brownies is to see a group of girls in brown uniforms doing good deeds, but in folklore a Brownie has a much different image. A hob goblin type creature the furry little Brownie is a fairy of English and Scottish lore. Depicted as having patchy brown fur they have large eyes and ears, are small in stature, and are most certainly not a handsome creature. Quite unattractive in appearance they are alike a small goblin so often referred to as a Hob.
A brownie sneakily moves into any home of his choosing and thanks his host for their hospitality by helping out with the housework. A factor most of us really would not mind and for those with who he sets up housekeeping it is an encouraging aspect in allowing him to remain domiciled there. Although one may live in your home you may never see him as they have a tendency to hide from humans. It is generally only very young children or those individuals with a second sense who are lucky enough to sometimes catch a quick glimpse of these sprites.
If one resides in your home you will have hints that he is there. Brownies leave proof of their existence behind in the household chores they will do for you. They are a folklore creature who help out with the housework. If you have ever wakened in the morning to discover that your floors have been swept, your laundry folded, or your dishes put neatly in the cupboard from where they had sat in the dish tray the night before it could be because one of these folklore creatures lives within your home.
These creatures reside within households of their choosing and in the dark of night they aide their human comrades by doing household chores. The tasks that they perform are not large ones and they do not expect a large compensation for any cleaning or house repairs that they do. They are content (alike other members of the family) to receive food or small gifts for the deeds that they perform. Where brownies are concerned silence truly is golden. They prefer that you go about your day to day activities while they go about theirs.
A brownie sneakily moves into any home of his choosing and thanks his host for their hospitality by helping out with the housework. A factor most of us really would not mind and for those with who he sets up housekeeping it is an encouraging aspect in allowing him to remain domiciled there. Although one may live in your home you may never see him as they have a tendency to hide from humans. It is generally only very young children or those individuals with a second sense who are lucky enough to sometimes catch a quick glimpse of these sprites.
If one resides in your home you will have hints that he is there. Brownies leave proof of their existence behind in the household chores they will do for you. They are a folklore creature who help out with the housework. If you have ever wakened in the morning to discover that your floors have been swept, your laundry folded, or your dishes put neatly in the cupboard from where they had sat in the dish tray the night before it could be because one of these folklore creatures lives within your home.
These creatures reside within households of their choosing and in the dark of night they aide their human comrades by doing household chores. The tasks that they perform are not large ones and they do not expect a large compensation for any cleaning or house repairs that they do. They are content (alike other members of the family) to receive food or small gifts for the deeds that they perform. Where brownies are concerned silence truly is golden. They prefer that you go about your day to day activities while they go about theirs.
A brownie's anti-social attitude does not apply to other sprites, although they rarely communicate with humans it is common knowledge that brownies often meet with other brownies, sprites, hobs, and Uruisg to converse with one another. Their meetings are generally held by running water such as a waterfall or fast moving stream so that the gurgling noise will make their voices less noticeable to the passerby.
They tend to generally have a good natured attitude toward humans but brownies can be angered if they are taken advantage of or if they believe they are being over compensated for their work. When offended they often will abandon that home and go in search of another.
They tend to generally have a good natured attitude toward humans but brownies can be angered if they are taken advantage of or if they believe they are being over compensated for their work. When offended they often will abandon that home and go in search of another.
Although Brownies rarely make themselves visible to adults they do become very attached to their home and to the humans who reside with them. This fondness is not reduced by any lack of attention on the part of their human companions either. Even if the human treats a brownie as though they did not exist and in fact believe that they do not exist the resident Brownie will still show respect and protectiveness for their human companions. Not offended by this lack of attention in the evening hours the Brownie will also still perform households chores just as he or she would have otherwise have done.
Occasionally a mistreated brownie will become so irate with something that has occurred that it will be transformed into a boggart. When this happens you have a problem. Once transformed this new creature will spend its life tormenting and playing cruel tricks on humans. Boggarts can not only be annoying but also dangerous. They are also very difficult to be rid of once one has attached itself to your home so be forewarned.
The legacy of this fairy folk creature lives on even today so watch for the tell tale signs that one may have taken up residence within your home. Should one be living there try your very best not to offend it. Where a brownie is concerned good and bad company is divided by a very fine line and one that it is safest not to cross. They are a folklore creature who can hold one heck of a grudge. Interestingly, if a family relocates the brownie or boggart will generally also move to contentedly take up residence within the new home. It is for this very reason that Brownies can be found in countries around the world. These creatures originated in Scotland and England but much alike other immigrants they may now exist throughout the much of the world.